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19th September 2018 Wednesday 24th Week Of Ordinary Time - St. Januarius

1 Corinthians 12:31-13:13, Luke 7:31-35
“Belonging to Wisdom”
“Yet, Wisdom has been proved right by all her children.”
What does Jesus mean by this saying? Who are Wisdom’s children?

The children of Wisdom are not the intellectuals who pride themselves of knowing everything. Instead those whose hearts are filled with simplicity and humility belong to Wisdom. This is because Wisdom herself is humble and simple, and looks constantly towards God for His light of Truth and Love.

“There is no room for God in him who is full of himself” (Martin Buber)

Let us ask Jesus to send His Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Wisdom, to guide us this day so that we may empty ourselves from all pride and self-sufficiency and let God into our hearts.

Questions for reflection:
1) Do I desire to be humble in the way I approach God, life and others?

2) How can I be a child of Wisdom today?



