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6th October 2018 Saturday 26th Week of Ordinary Time - St. Bruno

Job 42:1-3,5-6,12-17, Luke 10:17-24
“The Joy of Mission”
‘Rejoice rather that your names are written in heaven.’
These are Jesus’ personal words to each of us today. He wants us to know the true cause of our joy – it is not just because we are successful in bringing someone closer to Jesus or that we have invited someone to a prayer session, or that someone is entirely grateful for our dedication, etc.

Rather, joy comes from the fact that our names are written in heaven, i.e. in the heart of God. The mission that He has entrusted to us is not to be seen and measured by external ‘success’ or external great deeds.

God is our reward in this mission.

“In the end, dear friend, it is always between us and God, not between us and them.” (Mother Teresa)

Question for reflection:
What is the cause of my joy?




