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19th October 2019 Saturday 28th Week of Ordinary Time - Ss. Isaac Jogues and John de Brebeuf

Romans 4:13,16-18, Luke 12:8-12

“Open to the Spirit of love”
‘He who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.’ Why did Jesus say this? Why is blaspheming against the Holy Spirit not to be forgiven?

Forgiveness comes only when a person is humble enough to turn away from his/her sins and walk towards the merciful gaze of God. The Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Love, comes again and again to offer us forgiveness and new life. However, when we reject the Holy Spirit and His gifts, we are telling God that we do not need His forgiveness because we do not trust Him, or have already given up on Him or we do not believe that He can still love us.

Let us get rid of our pride - the pride that pulls us away from experiencing the forgiving love of God.

Question for reflection:
1) How I can humble myself and experience the forgiving love of God?



